Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Video: Spec Miata Enduro at Mid Ohio

I owe a lot to my dad. Without him I wouldn't have all the awesome racing opportunities that I've gotten to experience over the years, so it was a real thrill for me to share a car with him this weekend. We entered a 1 Hour Enduro at Mid Ohio as co-drivers with the plan being to have him start the race, do a driver change, and have me try to charge through the field for the remainder of the run.

All in all things went well. We had never practiced the driver change before, so for our first crack had it we did a respectable job and I had a blast trying to work my way up through the field. Unfortunately our memory card in our GoPro HD camera filled up towards the end of the run, so we weren't able to record some awesome battles I had at the end of the stint. Oh well, enjoy the highlights!

Spec Miata Enduro at Mid Ohio from Joey Selmants on Vimeo.

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